Research camps for students in Cicarija

Like - Edukativni program PRIRODA 2000

Research camps are intended for students of natural science studies at cross-border universities.

The camps are conducted by the Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem ( (University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies) with two project associates and two external associates, experts in particular fields of biodiversity and nature protection.

The camp program instructors will bring their past experience and knowledge to students, as well as new insights gained during the implementation of the LIKE - Living on the Karst Edge project activities.

The camp activities are carried out at the Science and education centre ‘Speleo House’ in Vodice, where all necessary infrastructure is in place for the successful implementation of the envisaged activities. Field activities take place in a wider cross-border area.

Workshop objective

Through fieldwork and presentations, students will explore and learn about biodiversity, ecological factors and issues related to the protection of the nature of the cross-border area. The experience and new insights gained at the research camp will enrich the newly established connections between students, researchers and university lecturers.