Non-formal education through sports and adventure challenges
The Science and education center Speleo House on two occasions hosted a non-profit organization Outward Bound Croatia. In January and March 2015, the Center has served as the venue of the program for the prevention of violence among youth co-financed by the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth. About twenty participants from all over Croatia aged 15 to 19 years participated in this unique program promoting skill development and encouraging positive change.
The main objective of this program was to help the participants resolve conflicts with their peers using non-violent methods. The focus of the activities undertaken was on the personal development of participants and the acquisition of new skills through experiential learning in nature. Particular emphasis was placed on improving communication skills and team work. The program encourages awareness of personal boundaries and promotes effective practice in dealing with challenging situations. Also, some of the objectives of this program were related to the development of a sense of personal responsibility and a more positive self-image, a better understanding of personal reactions to stress and improvement of the orientation skills in nature.
At the outset of the program participants were introduced to each other through a variety of games and creative workshops and they adopt the principles and rules of conduct. In the first part of the program the participants are being prepared for an independent stay in nature and better functioning in the group. Through various methods of "briefing" and "debriefing", the participants learn that they are no longer individuals but part of the group and the consequences of their actions are born by the entire group. This part of the program includes the analyses of the potential causes of the conflict: lack of mutual understanding and being judgmental, need for self-assertion, different life views, envy, low self-esteem and insecurity, cowardice and the like.
The centrepiece of the program is related to spending time outdoors and field work. The participants are faced with completely new work conditions (cold, fog, wind, darkness ...) that cannot be influenced. In this part of the program the participants make their own decisions about most things and thus become responsible for their actions. Most of the day is taken up with physical activity, which leads to fatigue and hence to increased anxiety and frustration when certain problems occur. In these moments the participants are encouraged solve the existing problems through conversation and as a group, in a democratic way.
The final part of the program is related to service to the community and the development of sensitivity to people and animals. In cooperation with the local population, the participants helped to clean up the cemetery and collect the waste in the village. The participants had the opportunity to work with horses, ride them and help clean their stables.
The first two days of the program take place in Vodice, then one part at the Science and education center, and another part in its backyard and its close proximity.
Then the participants set out on a circular walking route: Vodice - Gomila - Orljak - Mountain lodge Korita - Lanišće - Podgaće - Prapoće - Klenovšćak - Žbevnica - Dane - Vodice. This route can be completed over 3 or 4 days walking, depending on the motivation and physical abilities of the participants. The last two days are spent in Vodice and the surrounding area.