Ćićarija today: no snow, 10°C
Is it sun, rain or snow on the hills of Ćićarija? If you`re planning to visit the Northern Istria, rest assured that there will be no unpleasent weather conditions. From 1st of February 2016 all the data about the current weather conditions, as well as weather forecast for the next few days, is available online on www.istramet.hr
Two weather stations measuring weather parameters - wind speed and direction, liquid precipitation parameters, barometric pressure, temperature and relative humidity have been procured as part of the ŽIVO! project. One is mounted on the high part of the water tank St. Jelena in the municipality of Oprtalj, and the other is on the roof of the Science and education center Speleo House in the municipality of Lanišće, Vodice, where data is stored in the database every 5 minutes.
This type of weather station has an ultrasonic sensor (with 3 ultrasound probes) that uses ultrasound to measure wind direction and speed instead of standard blades or propellers. Wind measurement is based on how long does it take for the signal to travel from one to the other probe, and the sensor for measuring rainfall measures the impact of individual rain drops falling on the steel surface by means of a piezoelectric detector. The sensor measures the acoustics, that is, the volume of each stroke. A greater stroke makes a stronger acoustic signal than a smaller drop of rain.