Hiking trail “Paths of medicinal plants”
In the immediate vicinity of the Science and education center Speleo House is a hiking trail symbolically named "Paths of medicinal plants". The project “Živo!” brought to life the neglected 3 km long trail, which was once the only entrance to the town of Vodice. It is well groomed and equipped with signs, benches and information boards that display important details about wild medicinal plants of this region as well as warnings about the similarity of some plants with inedible or even poisonous plants which can also be found in the richness of the flora of the region.
Science and education trail "From source to source"
Seen from space, our planet's surface appears to be dominated by water. About 97.5% of all water on Earth is in the oceans and the remaining 2.5% is fresh water.
There is not one living thing on Earth which does not have water in their bodies. Therefore water is considered to be a source of life.
People have always settled near rivers and lakes and fresh water sources. Water is constantly changing between its three states, thus circulating through the atmosphere, living organisms and the soil.
There is less and less drinking water. Streams, rivers and lakes are quite polluted by human activity, and the sea and the Arctic sea ice could become palatable only with greater investment.
In the karst area, drinking water is obtained from the springs in underground karst aquifers, which are extremely sensitive to possible contamination. This rich karst area abounds with springs, which, until not so long ago, were bringing life to this area.
Today, only a few remained preserved from oblivion, although they are generously offering the precious liquid - drinkable spring water. As part of the Živo! project we have equipped some of them with benches, signposts and information boards to highlight their immense importance to the visitors.